Calendar: 1893-1894 Page 845
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FACULTY OF SCIENCE CXX111 19 What are the th terms in the expansions of 2p ii 20 If ע p0xn ρ -1 Ρ2χ1ι and ע find the value of 2SV 21 Prove the formula 10g -j--J-- --- -I-- ---- η ό 22 Resolve into Partial Fractions φ χ2 χ ii χΖ r2 23 If ρ and be prime to each other then ρ and p2 q2 pq are prime to each other 24 Find the value of the infinite continued fraction 1111 25 State and prove one method of determining between what limits the real roots of an equation must lie and apply it to find them for 20 4r6 ll 120 13 25 26 What is meant by reciprocal equation Solve the equation r3 -f6 r2 -f 27 Find to four decimal places the root of r3- 13 which lies between and 28 Find the sign of the term 70 in the determinant whose leading diagonal is 1&2 609&8 ל What sign must be prefixed to their product Η
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