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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1893-1894-835

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FACULTY OF SCIENCE cx111 II -Cijt ospelo SECOND AND THIED YEAES How does the miracle of healing the sick of the palsy illustrate the forgiveness of sins What are the principles asserted by our Lord respect- ing the observance of the Sabbath Why did His teaching on this subject assure such intense opposition What was the special work for which the twelve Apostles were chosen How were they qualified for it Explain the special applicability of the Beatitudes to the occasion on which they were delivered What is the relation between the accounts of these Beatitudes in St Matthew and in St Luke Explain any two of the Beatitudes and the general order of the rest β Explain the exhortation י Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven Give an example of our Lord's interpretation of the Commandments Explain the words say unto you that ye resist not evil and show how they are illustrated by Christian life and history What is the great principle on which our Lord insists in Almsgiving Prayer and Fasting 10 Give an explanation of the Lord's Prayer showing the order and comprehensiveness of its petitions 11 Show how our Lord's warning against י taking thought י is confirmed by the experience of life 12 Explain how the teaching of the Sermon on the Mount is completed by the promises of good gifts at its close י יי
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