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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1893-1894-821

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FACULTY OF ARTS XC1X -Mentor German lor's Translate into English lts Lessing's Nathan der Weise 1Dce et lent une 126 Show by examples what case or cases are Pas required by the following adjectives and verbs Are 87 1482 to 1497 brum 95 1604 3φ Unit &c to 96 1618 banfen may The id of was fid Translate into German then The first rule in good writing is to know what you My are going to write about -a plain simple rule but one one that is very much neglected If man makes ן good choice of his subject he will not fail to have the best words at his command and to put all in the am best order So Horace says and he may be right Μ ן but it strikes me that man might choose good subject and yet spoil it of which we have notable examples in our own days The Roman however tells us that we must well consider what our shoulders will bear and what they will not and so the rule is this choose good subject if you are able to handle it If you are not need tell you that you had better let it alone ב se des Grammatical Questions Give definition with examples of the use to of the passive voice in German In what instance is the reflective form employed in German instead of two ן the passive used in English and in what manner can also intransitive verbs be used passively Give nes examples lue ן Supply the requisite case of the pronoun of the first person in the following expressions fcfyeint-e traumt-e friert-e biinft-e jcfyaubert eg afynt-e£ beltebt-e freut
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