Calendar: 1893-1894 Page 811
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faculty of arts lxxxix When they reached the bank of the River Rhine they could not find any bridge so they returned home to the city They said that they did not understand what was to be done δ When Council had been called together it was decreed that they should be flogged The citizens feared that the army would be con- quered but when they joined battle with the enemy they gained the victory The Roman General sent letter to Caesar to announce that it was all over with the legions The wall and the gate were struck by lightning and two men killed What complaint is there that you or she can make against fortune on that score III bar dfaati Books III -IY Translate with very brief marginal notes Sed tamen errabant etiam nunc tempora donee Caesaris in multis haec quoque cura fuit Non haec le deus tantaeque propaginis auctor Credidit officiis esse minora suis Promissumque sibi voluit praenoscere caelum Nec deus ignotas hospes inire domos Hie moras solis quibus in sua signa rediret Traditur exactis disposuisse notis Is decies senos tercentum et quinque diebus lunxit et pleno tempora quarta die Hie anni modus est In lustrum accedere debet Quae consummatur partibus una dies Was the Julian calendar correct How was it subsequently altered
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