Calendar: 1893-1894 Page 801
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FACULTY OF THEOLOGY lxxix Write out the English and Latin of the Articles Of Good Works Of Works before Justification and Of Sin after Baptism State the specific errors which are condemned by the Article Of Good Works Explain the expression in the Article Of Works before Justification "peccati rationem habere State the various propositions contained in the Article and justify them Give the history of the doctrine of Works of Supereroga- tion and illustrate its practical mischief at the time of the Reformation Illustrate the truths asserted in these Articles from the Collects of the Church Show the error of the Roman teaching respecting the difference between Counsels and Precepts Sketch the history of the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary State its exact meaning as now defined by the Roman Church and show its untenableness Explain the distinction between mortal and venial sin as held by the Church of Rome and the sense in which the distinction is allowed in our own Church Illustrate from the history of the Church the errors con- demned in the Article Of Sin after Baptism 10 Explain the chief passages in the Scriptures which bear on this subject VII -33t$I 0p 33utler' &mnonsi Give some account of the occasion and purpose of these Sermons Explain the method of treatment which Bishop Butler adopts What is meant by the idea of system economy or constitution of any particular nature ×™
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