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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1893-1894-797

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FACULTY OF THEOLOGY lxXV II -Jtntrottitctton to tije in Ceetament Mention the passages in Exodus and Numbers which bear upon the authorship of these books State the circumstances connected with the giving of the Law first and last as related in Exodus What qualifications were possessed by the writer of of Exodus Does the history suggest any one in whom they met before 1000 What passages in Genesis appear to be of post-Mosaic date How do you understand them What features in Leviticus forbid the assumption that it was written for the second Temple Develope the ethical teaching of Leviticus When was the Day of Atonement the Feast of Taber nacles the Year of Release and the Jubilee What is meant by the book of the covenant" Give an analysis of the Book of Numbers What period of time is covered by it III -EJje Gospel of $t 3foi 11 Describe briefly the attitude of recent criticism towards this Gospel Show clearly the importance and validity of the internal evidence for the Johannine authorship Examine the scenes and those sayings of our Lord which bear chiefly upon His divinity What miracles are recorded by St John and how does the Evangelist regard them Discuss the following renderings If any man willeth to do His will δ Give glory to God One flock one Shepherd He that is bathed needeth not save to wash his feet If ye shall ask me anything Ε
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