Calendar: 1893-1894 Page 790
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lxviii DRAFT CHARTER OF THE GRESHAM UNIVERSITY College has ceased to possess the qualifications for admission η this our Charter prescribed or is in other respects no onger efficient the Council after considering report to be made in each case by the Board or Boards of Studies in the Faculty or Faculties in respect of which the College has been included in the University may exclude that College from the University On such exclusion members of the Council representing or elected by that College shall cease to be such and the Pro- fessors and Teachers of that College shall cease to be by virtue of their office members of the Assembly of any Faculty of the University or Examiners of the University but the students of the University then members of that College shall if the requisite instruction is given therein be allowed by the University to complete in that College the courses of study necessary for the attainment of the Degrees of the University No member of College excluded shall on account of such exclusion be deprived of any right privilege or emolument possessed by him by virtue of any Degree reward or distinction granted to or conferred on him by the University Provided that not less than one year before proposal to exclude College from the University is considered by the Council notice in writing of such proposal shall be given to the College and no such exclusion shall take effect until the expiration of six calendar months from the date of the decision of the Council and within those six months the College may appeal to Us in Our Council against such exclusion XXVII -Definition of London District The London District for the purposes of the University shall be the administrative County of London including the County of the City of London In witness &c
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