Calendar: 1893-1894 Page 785
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DRAFT CHARTER OF THE GRESHAM UNIVERSITY Ixiii To deliberate if so requested in conjunction with the Council or any Committee thereof and To meet and act concurrently with any other Board or Boards of Studies when requested to do so by the Council Subject as aforesaid each Board of Study shall have power to elect Chairman and to prescribe the mode of conducting its own proceedings XIV The Convocation of the University The Convocation of the University shall consist of the Chancellor the High Steward Vice-Chancellor and registered graduates of the University for the time being All graduates of the University of three years5 standing except those who hold honorary degrees shall be entitled to register provided that the holder of an ad eundem degree shall not as such without the consent of Convocation in each case be entitled so to register The first meeting of Convocation shall be called by the Vice-Chancellor at the expiration of ten years after the date of this Our Charter At that meeting the Convocation shall elect Chairman who shall hold office for three years or until his previous death or resignation but Chairman going out of office shall be re-eligible The Council shall as often as may be required for the election by Convocation of members of Council and may at such other times as to them seem fit convene meeting of Convocation If at any time twenty members of Convocation by writing under their hands require the Chairman to convene meeting of Convocation he shall do so Notice of all meetings of Convocation shall be given in such manner as the Council shall prescribe No question shall be decided at meeting of Convocation unless at least thirty members are present but in the election of members of the Council members of Convocation shall be
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