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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1893-1894-770

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Vlll REPORT urging very strongly that no second University should be established in London and that the College should in some way be combined with the existing University Until these points are settled-and even Report of the Commission may not finally settle them-the judgment of the Council on various cardinal points of policy in the administration of the College must remain in suspense but the Council have found it impossible to delay any longer taking active steps to meet the adverse balance in the accounts of the College which in the hope that speedy solution of the University question would facilitate remedy they have for the last few years allowed to accumulate The General Board of the Academical Staff have consented to make heavy sacrifices for this purpose in spirit of devotion to the interests of the Institution which the Council cannot sufficiently acknowledge and deduction will accordingly be made from the incomes of all the Staff during the present year At the same time the Council are practising every economy which is compatible with the thorough efficiency of the College but they earnestly appeal to its friends for such further endowment as will relieve-them from the necessity of calling upon the Staff for similar sacrifices The Council hope thus to avoid making any further addition during the current year to the standing debt and the work of the College as whole is in so eminently satisfactory condition that the Council have good hopes for the future Those who have known the College longest and most intimately can testify that there never was time when it was doing so much important work or doing it better Its activity is extended year by year to fresh fields of usefulness Within the last ten years sum of not less than 30 000 has been expended in the provision of new Labora- tories or in the improvement of old ones and the energies and devotion of the Staff of the College are more than ever conspicuous In these circumstances the Council confidently trust that by God's mercy the one University Institution in London and perhaps in England which maintains the indis- soluble connection of true religion and useful learning may for ever flourish
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