Calendar: 1893-1894 Page 768
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XIVI REPORT The following are the chief honours gained by Boys of the School during the year 1892 OXFORD AND CAMBRIDGE Oxford Edwards Worcester College First Class in Final School of Jurisprudence Cave Oriel College Second Class in Classical Moderations Drake Pembroke College Second Class in Literis Humanioribus Thomas Ε St Catherine's Second Class in Final School of Theology Lonsdale Keble College First Entrance Scholar- ship for Classics Godwin Η Balliol Brakenbury History Exhibi- tioner Increase in value of Exhibition Cambridge Brown ll St John's McMahon Law Student- ship Blackman St John's Foundation Scholarship First of Science Students of his year Wright's Prize of Books Hales Sidney Sussex Foundation Scholar- ship Garton Τ Clare College Entrance Mathematical Scholarship Dahl Η Emmanuel Second Class in Theological Tripos Heyer Sidney Sussex Third Class in Part II of Classical Tripos The following have been elected Fellows since the last report Sir Joseph Lister Bart for fifteen years Professor of Clinical Surgery Thomas Bond Sc formerly Student Surgeon to the Metropolitan Police George Saintsbury formerly pupil of the School During the last year the following changes in the Council have taken place viz
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