Calendar: 1893-1894 Page 765
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REPORT xliii subsequent to the 1st January 1890 arrangements have been lately made for giving the necessary Laboratory Instruction in the College Laboratories of State Medicine During the two years since the arrangement was made ending with the present Summer Session no less than sixty-two gentlemen have worked in the Laboratory these gentlemen having received their previous Medical training at various schools The instruction given to those desirous of obtaining qualification for the office of Medical Officer of Health includes all necessary practical out-door instruc- tion visits being made to Sanitary Works Workhouses Schools &c course of instruction has also been arranged for those desirous of obtaining the necessary knowledge to discharge the duties of Public Analyst In October last recognising the necessity which existed in London for providing proper systematic instruction for Sanitary inspectors classes were formed in Building Con- struction in Physics and Chemistry so far as was necessary and in the general duties of Sanitary Inspectors In report on Technical Education to the London County Council Mr Llewellyn Smith speaking of the instruction on Sanitary Science in the Metropolis for Sanitary Inspectors refers to this college as providing the only proper systematic course and recommends grant of £150 per annum provided the Sanitary Inspectors of the Metropolis are admitted free In conjunction with the Worshipful Company of Plumbers course of theoretical and practical instruction is being arranged for Plumbers an י workshops are being fitted up for this purpose Provision has therefore now been made for the education in King's College of all classes of Sanitary Officials The Evening Classes -The record of the work during the winter session of 1892-93 is very satisfactory com- pared with that of previous years The attendance 502 shows an increase of 187 over the previous winter and is the
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