Calendar: 1893-1894 Page 69
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65 fUng's College iLottfrou This College is situated between the thoroughfares of the Strand and the Thames Embankment close to the Temple Station" on the Metropolitan District Railway The building includes Chapel the general class-rooms for the College and School Museums Libraries Laboratories Anatomical rooms Workshops house for the Principal and rooms for few of the Matriculated Students The Hospital is situated in Portugal Street Lincoln's Inn and is attached to the Medical Department The Department for Ladies is at 13 Kensington Square The General Education of King's College London is conducted in several distinct but connected Faculties and Departments viz The Faculty of Theology Morning Course Evening Course II The Faculty of Arts including General Literature Normal Classes and Oriental Studies III The Faculty of Science Consisting of The Division of Engineering and Applied Sciences including Electrical Mechanical and Civil Engineering Architecture Chemical Man- ufactures and Metallurgy The Division of Natural Science JV The Faculty of Medicine including the Hospital Bacteriology and JPublic Health The Department for Ladies VI The Evening Classes VII Technical Instruction including Architecture Drawing and Wood Carving VIII School of Art IX The Civil Service Department Including Men Clerks Female Clerics Boy Clerks Boys9 Day Classes The School
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