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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1893-1894-649

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RESIDENCE OF STUDENTS 649 Any Medical Student taking set of rooms in October ast pay the Fees for the whole Winter Session The amount mstbe paid in full upon entrance or one-half upon entrance nd the remainder at the beginning of the second division of allege 1e Session and not later than January 21 Student will ot be allowed the benefit of the reduction made to those who ike rooms for the whole year unless he declare this to be intention upon entrance In this case he will be required pay the whole of the Fees for the year upon entrance or two portions as before mentioned ד Any Student not belonging to the Medical Faculty ust take rooms for two Terms at least upon first coming to side He will not be allowed the benefit of the reduction lade to those who take rooms for the whole year unless declare this to be his intention upon entrance In this tse he will be required to pay the whole of the Fees for the ear upon entering the rooms or one-half upon entrance and le remainder at the beginning of the next succeeding Term Three months' notice is to be given in writing both to 1e Secretary and the Censor of the intention of any tudent to give up his rooms ft In the event of any vacancy occurring Students will hav6 1e preference of changing their rooms according to length of 3sidence in College and priority of application for leave to hange oer 1WD 10 The cost of making good damage done to the walls or arniture of room has to be paid by the occupier 11 Students incurring expulsion from their rooms through 1e infringement of the College rules and regulations will 3rfeit the amount of rent already paid
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