Calendar: 1893-1894 Page 628
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626 the school These Prizes are awarded to the boys who obtain the highest number of marks in each kind of Composition during the Michaelmas Lent and Easter Terms and in the Forest Scholarship Examination III English Essay english One Prize open to n- τ ϋ ττ י ו all Forms Glven by Professor Hales Awarded for the combined results of the work done during the school yrear and at the Midsummer Examination One Prize open to all Forms below Lower Given bv the Council Sixth This Prize is for the best Essay sent in for competition during the school year Early English- Given by the Early English Text Society Shakespeare Given by the Early English Text Society These Prizes are awarded to the boys who obtain the highest number of marks in these subjects at the School Examination at the close of the Easter Term English "Verse- One prize open to all Giyen G6unci Forms AF The Prize is awarded for English Original Verse in the ןן Michaelmas Term and is open to all boys in the school The exercise must contain not fewer than 200 nor more than 250 lines Competitions must be marked with motto not name and are not to be in the authors own writing Subject for 1893 The Fall of the Bastille ל י ΛΙ
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