Calendar: 1893-1894 Page 611
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THE SCHOOL 609 ή That he is really deserving of admission and may be pected to profit by the College curriculum II All Pupils who have been Two Years in the School have attained the age of sixteen and have passed at ast one Term in the highest Class of the Classical Division ce allowed by making application to the Secretary on itering the Faculty of Arts in the College to take rank as udents of the Fourth Term The same rule applies to upils entering the Faculty of Science who have passed least One Term in the highest Mathematical Class This privilege enables such Student to gain the Associate- 1ip of the College in Two instead of in Three Years III The following reduction of Fees is made in favour of ys who pass from the School into the College as Matri- dated Students after having spent at least Five Terms the School viz Faculty of Arts duced from 10 10s to 8s Faculty of Science Engineering Division duced from 16 366 to 121 19s Qd in the first six terms 18 6d 141 lis 6d last three terms Science Division duced from 15 3s 6d to 121 13s 6d Faculty of Medicine Fees for College and Hospital are reduced by One Fifth XV SCHOLARSHIPS AND EXHIBITIONS GENERAL RULES Good conduct andregularattendance at Chapel are indis usable for the admission of any Pupil to be candidate Scholarship or Exhibition in King's College School
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