Calendar: 1893-1894 Page 578
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576 CIVIL SKRVICE CLASSES and afterwards cond Division Clerks or Assistants of Excise Those who are to become Second Division Clerks or Assistants of Excise without first taking Boy Appointment Those who after obtaining Second Division Clerk- ships will endeavour to obtain higher Appoint- ments intermediate between the Second and First Divisions These are recommended not to take Boy Appointments Boys intended for the First Division should attend King's College School Age of Admission -Boys of ten years of age and upwards are admitted if sufficiently advanced to profit by the instruction given Broad Scheme of Work -The Subjects taught are Religious Instruction except in the Senior Section Hand- writing Orthography Arithmetic English Grammar Com- position and Literature Geography Physical Geography English History Precis or Indexing Copying MS Digesting Returns into Summaries Book-keeping by Double Entry Mensuration Euclid Algebra Elementary Mechanics Theor- etical and French Shorthand and Latin are taught as extra subjects The Ridley Commission recommended that French and Shorthand be added to the Second Division Scheme and the Civil Service Commissioners in reference to this recom- mendation have strongly advocated the extension of all the Schemes of Examination for which preparation is given in Division of the Civil Service Department The Cambridge Local Examinations will be taken bypupils who aim directly at the Second Division and where this is practicable by those who will first take Boy Appointment The subjects of the Boy Clerks' and Second Division Examinations are all taken up by boys from an earlv age Pupils go up from the Day Classes for all Examinations including the Second Division and Excise and do not require to attend any Evening Classes
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