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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1893-1894-573

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civil service classes 571 fr Classes at King's College And solutions are supplied or nts given for the solution of all questions set which they te not able to answer This may prove very helpful cspe- ally to those who have already had good general educa- on But it cannot bo insisted on with too much emphasis 1at no one should rely on Correspondence who can afford to move to London and attend the Oral Classes there The ccturers will be glad to advise Correspondence pupils who lay be able to spend some time but not the whole time of 1eir preparation in London as to the best time for coming Fees can at any time be transferred from the Correspond- ice to the Oral Classes encral Arrangements Applying to Correspondence Classes in Division Times for beginning -Courses of Preparation begin four five weeks after each Examination and continue until the ext Examination They are generally divided into two rxods of about ten weeks each There is mid-period ad- tission month after the beginning of each period when tudents can join for the remainder of the period at two- nrds of the period fee or for the remainder of the period gether with the next period for one and half times the eriod fee On the announcement of an Examination special lmissions are arranged at fees terminating at the examina- on Fees -These must be paid in advance New Students Jould send them if possible week before the beginning of 1c Course period &c so as to give time for arranging their f0rt rtk Fees can be sent by ostal orders money orders payable to Braginton at Croydon ost Office or cheques crossed and ttyahle to Braginton Remittances for books and ationery should when practicable be made when the fees re paid
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