Calendar: 1893-1894 Page 570
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568 CIVIL SERVICE CLASSES 5se unmarried but they can marry after six months' service The organisation is as follows Assistants and Second Class Officers -Commencing salary £50 with officiating ers allowances amounting to about £30 rising by annual incre- ments of £5 to £85 At that point the officiating allow- ances cease and the Assistant becomes Second Class Officer with salary of £115 rising by annual increments of £7 10s to £160 First Class Officers -Commencing oto salary £170 rising by annual increments of £7 10s to £200 and then by annual increments of £10 to £250 Expectant Supervisors £250 Supervisors-Second Class -Commencing salary £260 rising by annual increments of £10 to £300 Supervisors-First Class -Commencing salary £310 rising by annual increments of £10 to £400 Expectant Inspectors £360 Collectors-Second Class -£480 rising by annual increments of £15 to £540 and then by annual increments of £20 to £650 The First Class rises to £800 Promotion up to the rank of Officer 1st Class inclusive is by seniority beyond that by examination and seniority combined The Laboratory competitive examination is held annually among the Assistants for about eight Scholarships tenable for two years in the Chemical Laboratory Somerset House During the two years the selected officers receive their full pay and grant of £10 for the purchase of books the best have prospect of future appointment in the Laboratory as permanent Analysts of whom receive £130 rising by £15 annually to £300 £350-£20-£500 £550-£650 £1 000 Out-door Customs -The limits of age are 19 and 25 No candidate is eligible who is less than ft in in height and 34 in round the chest or who if ft 10 in and upwards in height is less than 35 in round the chest The organisation is as follows -Out-door Officers 2nd Clas- rising by £1 10s annually from £55 to £80 1st Class £85-£U-£100 Examining Officers 2nd Class £110-£74-£220 1st Class £230 -£10 -£340 Surveyors £350 £550 Superior Officers with salaries between £560 and £800 All the
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