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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1893-1894-567

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CIVIL SERVICE CLASSES 565 3vening constitutes complete course of preparation for the Boy Clerks' Examination Unless their time for preparation is very limited candidates are however recommended to attend on Mondays as well as on Thursdaj7s The Class is divided on Thursdays into two Sections both meeting from 45 to Upon joining Students are examined and placed in the Section suitable for them Second Section Students are removed to the First Section immediately they are found qualified The Monday Class meets from 45 to 45 It is however advisable for all Students to attend at 50 as short Special Classes free to all meet at this time Fees -One evening per week One period of ten weeks £1 two £1 16s Two evenings per week One period £1 13s two £3 Subjects of Examination -Handwriting highest marks attainable 400 Orthography 400 Arithmetic 350 Tots 50 English Composition 200 Geography 200 Copying Manuscript 200 Books required -Brook-Smith's Arithmetic Macmillan 4s Gd King's College Junior Problems in Arithmetic 66 to be had at the College by Students only King's College Obligatory Arithmetic Papers 66 to be had at the College by Students only Recommended -High School Manual of Geography All- man 3s 66 Skertchly's Physical Geography Murby Is Spelling Vocabulary Chambers Gd Abbott's How to Write Clearly for Composition Seeley Is 66 Collins's Progres- sive Atlas Is Gd King's College Tots 66 to be had at the College by Students only Boy Clerks -Limits of age 15 and 17 rate of pay 14s per week rising Is per week per year Boy Clerks are not retained as such after the age of 20 They are excused the Preliminary Examination for Second Division Clerkships They are eligible after two years' service or if 17 before appointed after one year's service to compete among them- selves for Second Division Clerkships they are also eligible
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