Calendar: 1893-1894 Page 557
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Page content
CIVIL SERVICE CLASSES 555 page ivision III Female Clerkships in Post Office 583 Correspondence for Provincial Candidates 585 Telegraph Learnerships in Post-Office 586 Sorterships in Post Office 587 tending Students from the Country 588 588 odgings eading and Refreshment Room 588 ing's College Civil Service Club 589" Civil Service Candidate99 590 591 list of Successes lDVICE to candidates for the civil service It is better that Candidate for Civil Service Appointment hould have the whole of his time to prepare for his Examin- tion business occupation however especially if it be ight-like that afforded by the Civil Service itself -is by no aeans incompatible with success and as matter of fact arge proportion of all appointments except the Class are gained by Candidates who have been able to devote only their 5venings to their preparation Boy Clerkships and Boy Copyistships -If employment is iesired before 17 Boy Clerkship age 15-17 pay 14s veek rising Is week per year until 20 years of age or Boy Copyistship age 14-18 pay Ad per hour will leave Bore time for preparation for Second Division Clerkship or he Excise than most other employments the hours of Boy Clerks and Boy Copyists being only six or seven per iay It is an important consideration too that any one who has served in either of these capacities for period of two years and upwards can obtain an extension of the maxi- mum limit of age for examinations equal to such period of service Boy Clerkships are much more difficult to obtain but they offer special advantages Boy Clerks are excused
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