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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1893-1894-497

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evening classes 495 PRACTICAL WORK IN PHYSICS Day and Hour of Attendance- Friday from to ee £2 2s per term £3 135 6cl for the Winter Session or £5 5s for the whole year Practical work will be carried on in Heat Light &c and rangements will as far as possible be made for meeting particular wants of each Student and especially of those eparing for the Sc examinations of the University of 3ndon The class will also be continued during the immer Term PHYSIOLOGY Day and Hour of Attendance-Monday from to Fee £1 lis 6d This Course is intended to impart general knowledge the principles and chief facts of the Science The Lectures will be accompanied and illustrated by periments Microscopical demonstrations preparations ssections diagrams &c Circulation The Blood-Blood-vessels-The Heart- Conditions affecting the Heart's Action-The Pulse Γ Respiration Objects of Respiration-Respiratory Ap- paratus Changes in Respired Air Conditions affecting Respiration Ventilation Effects of Vitiated Atmosphere-Asphyxia Digestion Food-Its preparation-Action of Digestive Fluids-Structure of Secretory Organs-Functions of Liver Conditions affecting Digestion and Nutrition Ϋ Contractile Tissues Cilia-Muscles-Levers-Joints Exercise-Training-Results of Muscular Contrac- tion-Elimination by Lungs Skin Kidney Liver- Mechanism for Production of Voice-Speech
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