Calendar: 1893-1894 Page 495
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Page content
evening classes Preparation for Musical Degrees and Diplomas Courses of Study in the Faculty of Music Tuesdays י 30 to Harmony ana Counterpoint Elementary and Advanced Form Canon Fugue Composition and Orchestration Examinations are held at the end of each term Examiners Thk Professor of Music Dr Ε Turpin Dr Sawyer and Mr Hamilton Robinson Mus Bac Text Books from which selection will be made as required The Primers on the various subjects by Professor Sir John Stainer Professor Bridge Messrs Prout Higgs &c published by Messrs Novello and Co Stainer Treatise on Harmonyr Novello Prout's Harmonyי Augener Cherubini's "Counterpoint and Fugue" Novello Berlioz's Modern Instrumentation and Orchestration Novello Turpin Observations on Wind InstrumentsJ Weekes Fee payable in advance in the College Office including all subjects as required by the Professor and the Examina- tion £2 12s 66 for the Term Special arrangements can be made with Professor Vernham for other subjects Arts Acoustics &c PHYSICS IN PREPARATION FOR THE CONJOINT BOARD EXAMINATION see page 504 Days and Hours of ttendance-Mon and Thurs to Fee £0 35 for the Winter Session Lect Mixtures-Compounds-Solution-Diffusion Lect Diffusion of Liquids-Dialysis-Crystalloids and Colloids-Osmosis-Applications to Physiological Processes Lect Relative Weight-Units-Mass and Weight Density and its Measuement Lect The Atmosphere-Density of Gases-Pressure Lect Boyle's Law-Barometer Lect Ventilation and applications
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