Calendar: 1893-1894 Page 494
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492 evening classes The Course will be illustrated by very extensive col- lection of specimens In the Easter Term the lectures will relate both to prac- tical blow-pipe work for the determination of minerals and also to the actual examination of specimens and will last from to BOOKS RECOMMENDED Rutley's Mineralogy Collins's Mineralogy For particulars relating to the "Tennant" Prize see Calendar Petrology course will also be given during the Winter and Summer Sessions if sufficient number of students attend on Petrology that is on the examination of rocks in thin sections under the microscope The peculiarities of rock structure as seen by natural and polarised light will be dwelt upon and the various groups and families of the igneous rocks will be illustrated by large collection of slides MODERN HISTORY Day and Hour of Attendance Wednesday from to Fee £1 lis 6d The period includes that set for the London University Intermediate Arts Examination of 1894 to the require- ments of which special attention will be paid Students for June Matriculation will also receive attention MUSIC VOCAL Day and Hour of Attendance-Wednesday from to Fee £1 115 6d Thte Class is for the practice of Sight-Singing and the Elements of Music
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