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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1893-1894-493

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evening classes 491 IX -The Study of the Materials used for Pottery Glass Enamels &c -Extraction and Manufacturing Processes XI -The Properties of Metals -The Properties of Metals are examined by means of testing machinery &c and the composition of the metals carefully ascer- tained Note -The Properties of Metals are modified according to the nature and the quantity of the so-called impurities they contain The quality of metal also varies with the process by which it has been extracted from its ore and the kind of mechanical treatment to which it has been subsequently subjected £11 -The Preparation of Alloys and the Study of their Properties II -Electrometallurgy IV -The Applications of the Spectroscope and the Micro- scope to Metallurgical Research -Facilities will be afforded to intending Candidates י the Science and Art Department or other examinations Practical Metallurgy MINERALOGY Day and Hour of Attendance-Monday from to Fee £1 Us 6d These lectures about thirty in number will have refer- ce to the physical properties the classification and the termination of Minerals In the Michaelmas Term the six systems of Crystallography optical and chemical characters of Minerals their analysis the Blowpipe and the methods for determining their ecific gravity will be explained In the Lent Term the non-Metallic and Metallic Minerals ill be brought under review and their form hardness Bight lustre transparency structure fusibility and chemical mposition will be given
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