Calendar: 1893-1894 Page 489
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Page content
evening classes 487 ן Syllabus Michaelmas Term and part of Lent Term Strength of Materials -Simple stresses-tension and com- 3ression-more complex stresses-shear-torsion-bending -behaviour of different materials under above stresses- ז η if -' nethod of treating different examples met with in practice Latter half of Lent Term and Easter Term The Steam Engine -Its History and Development-the Theory of the Steam Engine simply treated-its efficiency as Heat Engine-chief sources of loss-the indicator-indi- 5ator diagram-the slide valve-valve-gears-governors- ly-wheels &c -principal types and details LABORATORY CLASS FOR EXPERIMENTAL W0RK AND RESEARCH Tuesday or Thursday from to Fee £1 for each term and each night The Laboratory Apparatus consists of Testing Machine 50 000 lbs for Tension Compression Shear Wire and Beam Machine 000 lbs Vertical Cement Testing Machine Torsion Machine 000 inch lbs Mercury Column arranged for Testings Springs and Gauges mder Steam &c Friction Apparatus for Measuring Friction in Journals Tanks &c for Measuring Flow of Water through Orifices Gas Engine specially fitted with apparatus for making ex- laustive Engine trials Charge for specimens ordinary materials &c 5s per term 10s Gd per Session Extra materials for special research must be supplied by he Student
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