Calendar: 1893-1894 Page 488
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486 evening classes MECHANICS AND HYDROSTATICS Days and Hours of Attendance-Wednesday 7-8 Fee £1 11 Gd The work during the Winter Session will consist of Lectures followed by Tutorial work The course will treat of Dynamics and Statics but will be continued throughout the Summer Session when Hydrostatics and Pneumatics will be considered The Lectures will be fully illustrated by experiments and throughout attention will be paid to graphical and other methods suitable for Engineers &c involving but little mathematics The subjects will be treated up to the standard of the London Matriculation and Intermediate Scientific Examin- ations The Tutorial work will be adopted to the particular needs of individual students and advanced work such as that required for the Final Sc may be taken up For further particulars apply to the Lecturer Sydney MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Wednesday from to Fee £1 Us Gd for either course or £2 12s Gd for both This class is intended to suit the requirements of Engineer- ing Draughtsmen Mechanics and others who may desire to gain knowledge of the theoretical considerations which govern engineering design The Course will embrace Lectures upon the Steam Engine and upon the nature and properties of the materials employed by engineers and their behaviour under stress Demonstrations will be given in the Engineering Laboratory from time to time to illustrate the Lectures The Laboratory Course will bear directly upon the subjects of the Lectures but advanced students will be encouraged to make original investigations and research
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