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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1893-1894-485

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EVENING classes 483 xid of limelight and will be supplanted by occasional papers or Home Work Students wishing to attend the course are requested to 30mmunicate as early as possible with the Lecturer Sydney Jones from whom all particulars may be btained LATIN -Three Classes Days and Hour of Attendance-Monday and Thursday from to Fee £1 lis 6d Class Tacitus Hist Book Horace Epistles excluding the Ars Poetica Latin Grammar and Exercises Stedman's Latin Examination Questions Allen's Latin Grammar Books recommended in addition to the above Abbott's Latin Prose through English Idiom Seeley Gow's Companion to School Classics" Macmillan Haigh and Gepp's Latin Dictionary Rivmgton's or Lewis and Short's Larger Dictionary First Division -Arnold's Lat Comp Pt Grammar-The Revised Latin Primer Livy-Book Sallust's Catiline after Christmas Second Division -New Revised Latin Primer Latin Prose Composition old ed Caesar's Gallic War BOOKS RECOMMENDED Andrews' or White and Riddle's Dictionary Abbott's Latin Prose through English Idiom and Raven's Grammar Papers Subject for the London Intermediate in Arts July 1894 Subject for the London Matriculation Examination June 1894 Assistance will be given to Candidates for these Examinations by paper on lie subjects which are not read in class Η Η
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