Calendar: 1893-1894 Page 484
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482 evening classes to enter into Holy Orders As far as possible the instruction will be adapted to the waiits of individual members of the class and if circumstances require it other parts of the Greek Testament will from time to time be read An elementary knowledge of Greek Grammar will be expected upon entrance This may be obtained from Kuther- ford's First Greek Grammar Macmillan together with Miller Greek Testament Primer Clarendon Press The books needed for the class are- Scrivener's Greek Testament Deighton Bell Co 45 6d Liddell& Scott's Smaller Greek Lexicon Macmillan Ts Gd ITALIAN -Two Classes Day and Hours of Attendance-Tuesday and Friday Upper Division from to Lower Division from to Fee £1 115 6d Upper Division Grammar and Idioms from Perini's "Italian Conversation Grammar" Hachette Reading-Prose Dante's La Vita Nuova Perini's edition with English Notes Hachette Poetry Dante's La Divina Commedia and Manzoni's "Adelchi Translation into Italian from Perini's "Ex- tracts in English Prose" Hachette Italian Conversation Lower Division Exercises from Perini's "Italian Conversa- tion Grammar" Hachette Reading-Perini's First Italian Reading- Book Hachette and the first chapters of Manzoni's "I Promessi Sposi Perini's edition Hachette HEAT AND LIGHT Monday 7-8 Fees £1 lis 6d course of Lectures suitable for candidates for the London Sc The Lectures will be fully illustrated by the
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