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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1893-1894-477

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EVENING CLASSES 475 nd and water &c and how far the development of civili- tion depends on physical phenomena First Term -Elements of the earth's physical geography ill be explained which result from its rock structure Ld from forces acting upon its interior These will in- tide the cause and determination of the earth's size and rure its density nature of its relations to other heavenly dies longitude and latitude The influence of tempera- re pressure and infiltration on the nature and durability minerals and rocks forming the earth's surface The origin id persistence of mountains and continents The Alps imalayas Andes Rocky Mountains Causes of the contours the chief masses of land Distribution of volcanoes olcanic phenomena their relation to the outlines of land id water Geysers Thermal springs Distribution of etals and metallic ores on the earth's surface Second Term -The influences of water and of the atmo- here in modifying the earth's surface will be explained ides and currents oceanic circulation Origin positions id structure of tablelands plains of marine denudation and plains Physical and chemical properties of the atmo- here Clouds dew rain Formation motion position laracters and effects of glaciers and icebergs Surface ainage the several kinds of springs subterranean rivers verns History of the chief rivers of the world For- ation of hills origin of the five kinds of volleys and of several kinds of lakes Kinds origin and distribution of inds Gradations of climate on the earth's surface Rain- mirage mock suns &c Use of barometer thermometer tinometer hygrometer rain-gauge and anemometer Third Term -Geographical relations of life on the earth eans by which its distribution has been brought about id influence of geographical phenomena on civilization mong the subjects will be the persistence of life on the earth om early times extinction of species means of discovering rmer relations of land and water from present distribution
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