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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1893-1894-473

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evening classes 471 Ele itric Supply Meters-Board of Trade Requirements nd Tests 10 Arc Lamps-Alternate and Direct Current- If time icrmite Alternate Currents will be touched upon-as also electrolysis and Photometry Advanced Class Notes on Electrical Units and Electrical Standards Ballistic Galvanometer -Constants-Use-Construction -Quantitative Experiments on the Magnetic Qualities of ron and Steel-Curves of Induction Hysteresis &c Steady Currents -Dr Hopkinson's Theory of the ynamo with practical tests-the Characteristic Curve its earing upon Dynamo-machine design-Curves of Magnetic ield-The Dynamo as Generator and Motor its Design and instruction-Efficiency Tests-the various methods at resent known-Steady Current Transformers Alternate Currents -The Laws underlying Alternate urrentfe with practical tests from which Curves have been leduced-Alternate Current Transformer Tests-with ex- tmples fully illustrated by Curves-Construction and Design Alternate Current Machine LABORATORY WORK Day and Hour of Attendance-Wednesday from to Fee £3 3s or £2 or either term This Class will be held in the Michaelmas and Lent Terms נ η Wednesday evenings from to beginning October 11 ind be resumed after the Christinas holidays on January 17 Students have also to pay small sum for the materials which they use The number of students is necessarily limited and those ttending the Lectures will have the preference
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