Calendar: 1893-1894 Page 471
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evening classes 469 The subject for the next Session will be the Gospels in larmony commencing aftei the Sermon on the Mount The Barry" Prize will be awarded to the Matriculated Itudent who stands first in the examination at the end of he Winter Session whether or not he has already gained one the other Divinity Prizes No one can gain this Prize aore than once נBAWING PRACTICAL PLANE AND SOLID GEOMETRY AND MECHANICAL Tuesdays and Thursdays to Fee£ The Course arranged is one that will be generally useful to ny student of Geometrical and Mechanical Drawing but it nay be modified to suit any special requirements such as reparation for army examinations for Woolwich Sandhurst zc Naval Cadetships Indian Civil Service &c Plane Geometry Construction of Plane and Diagonal Scales-Construction Regular Polygons on given side or within Circle- deduction of Rectilinear Figure to Triangle or Quadri- ateral-Construction of Figures of given areas of similar tnd proportional areas-Problems relating to straight line nd Circle-Inscribed and Described Figures Solid Geometry The Principles of Projection-Projection of Solids parallel or at an angle with the Vertical and Horizontal Plane and heir Sections-Isometric Projection-Perspective Projection Solids parallel to or at an angle with the Vertical or iorizontal Planes Projection of Shadows cast by the Sun artificial light Mechanical Drawing The Parts of Machines in common use as Riveted Joints -Forms of Rivets and their arrangement in Lap and Butt faints-Angle Irons-Bolts Studs and Set Screws their orms and proportions-Pins Keys Cotters Pipes and
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