Calendar: 1893-1894 Page 466
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464 EVENING CLASSES The Bacteria and their Types of Organisms divisions The Cultiva- tion of Micro-organisms The Saccharomycetes and Examination of Typic Torulse their structure and Life-History Ascos- pores The Analysis 99 of Yeast Yeast Ascospores Unorganised and Organ- Types of Yeasts ised Ferments mentation and Fer- the Organisms which pro- duce it The High י and Low Types of Yeasts Fermentation Processes The various Yeasts and their chemical action The Diseases of Beer Impure Yeasts and Infectec and Yeast their Origin Causes and Prevention Beer Sa Disease Organisms Disease Organisms Bacteriological examina- tion of Air and Water CHEMISTRY Days and Hours of Attendance-Monday and Thursday from 30 to Fee £3 36 or including the Practical Class £4 145 Qd During the Winter Session from Octoher to March lectures illustrated by experiments will be given on the Non-Metallic Elements the commoner metals and on Organic Chemistry to meet the requirements of Students wishing for general knowledge of Inorganic and Organic Chemistry and fori those preparing for the Examination of the Conjoint Board of the Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons and for the London University Examinations
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