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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1893-1894-464

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EVENING CLASSES of each Student is directed first of all to that part of Aritl metic in which he feels his knowledge to be deficient In Book-keeping every Student is taught the principle of Double Entry '' and their practical application in keepin the books of mercantile manufacturing and other businee houses in drawing the balance-sheets of public coinpanie banks and railways as well as in working examination papei such as are given for the Government Service Banker Institute &c The instruction in this Class is for the purpose of acquiring thorough knowledge of the theory of Book-keeping for tin purposes of examination and of the practice for the every-daj requirements of commercial life Text-books Brooksraith' Arithmetic and Hunter's Book-keeping by Double Entry BACTERIOLOGY Day and Hours of Attendance-Monday from ίο beginning October 16 Fee including use of microscope re-agents &c £2 25 for each Term or including Course £3 135 6d The Course of instruction comprises Lectures Demonstra- ons and Practical Work The Lectures are illustrated by lantern slides diagrams morbid specimens and microscopical preparations In the Practical Work the Students examine stain and mount examples of the various micro-organisms from cultures and in tissue sections syllabus Lectures Practical Work Micro-organisms their Types of Organisms occurrence and Classifi- tion The microscope The Cultivation of Micro- Types of Organisms organisms Methods of isolating and investi- gating Micro-organisms
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