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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1893-1894-463

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evening classes 461 The Course commences in October and is continued until Fuly During the winter from to lecture will be given md from to the Students will personally dissect and examine the above animals The Course throughout will be illustrated by Museum Specimens Dissections and Microscopic Preparations Students are strongly recommended to enter for the com- mi plete course as it is impossible to include in the one winter session all the work required for these examinations it BOOKS RECOMMENDED The Frog by Milnes Marshall Practical Zoology by Milnes Marshall and Hurst Smith Elder and Co Animal Biology by Lloyd Morgan Elementary Physiology Huxley YNGLO-SAXON Friday to Fee £1 lis 6d This class is suitable for the Intermediate Examination in Arts English Honours and the Pass Examination of the university of London for the year 1894 BOOKS REOOMMENDKD Sweet's "Anglo-Saxon Primer pp 1-75 jg ARITHMETIC BOOK-KEEPING Two Classes in each Subject Days and Hours of Attendance Arithmetic Tuesday and ן Friday from to and Booh-Keeping from to Fees £1 lis bd for each subject or £2 12s 6d if both are ש taken The instruction in Arithmetic comprises First Principles Fractions Decimals Evolution Interest Stocks Exchanges and the more difficult problems to be found in the University and other high-class Examinations In general the attention
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