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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1893-1894-462

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460 evening classes mm SYLLABUS OF LECTURES AGRICULTURE Day and Hour of Attendance-Thursday from to Fee £2 2s Syllabus Introductory -The elements and principles of Chemistry 3t and Biology in their relation to Agriculture 3si Soils -Composition and Properties of Soils-The Atmo- sphere and Soil as Plant Food-Cultivation of the Soil- jj1ej Improvement of the Soil Drainage Subsoiling &c practj Manures -Farmyard Manure and its Treatment-Artificial Eta Manures their Composition and Profitable Application Crops -Chemistry and Physiology of Plant Life -The Rotation and Treatment of our Principal Farm Crops-The Composition and Value of Agricultural Produce Live Stock -Chemistry and Physiology of Animal Life- The Rearing and Management of Live Stock-The Production of Animal Food The Lectures will be especially adapted to prepare students Γ11 for the Examinations of the Royal Agricultural Society and of ts the Surveyors' Institute This Course will begin on Thursday October 12 and will consist of about Eighteen Lectures Uni ANIMAL BIOLOGY Bay and Hours of Attendance-Friday from to and to Fee £4 45 for the Winter Session or any portion of it or £5 55 including the Summer exclusive of animals tor dissection ψ In this Course the requirements of Candidates for the ן London University Intermediate Sc and Prelim Sc Exams will be specially considered and the animals forming the subject of investigation will be those included in the Univer- he sity Syllabus viz -Amoeba Vorticella Earth-worm Fresh- ictic water Mussel Crayfish Amphioxus Dog-fish Frog Rabbit th and Dog skull of iotl
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