Calendar: 1893-1894 Page 452
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450 DEPARTMENT FOR LADIES Stgi Hfctures on fyt reat OTutcf Eomposets Daring the Easter Term 1894 On Thursdays 11-12 BY THE REV PROFESSOR SHUTTLE WORTH Rector of St Nicholas Cole Abbey Students and their friends are invited to attend the first Lecture Free Lecture I- Palestrina and his Precursors-Early Church Music-Ambrosian Chant-Gregorian Chant-Intro- duction of Polyphony-Counterpoint-The old French School-The Netherland School-Palestrina Lecture -Sebastian Bach-1685-1750 -Music and the Reformation-Luther-Forerunners of Bach-Bach an Organist-His organ music-The Fugue-Church Cantatas- Β Minor Mass-Passion music Lecture III -Handel- 1685-1759 -Comparison with Bach-Idealist and Realist-Italian Influence-The Oratorio musical epic-Handel master of vocal music-The Handelian chorus Lecture IV -Joseph Haydn-1732-1809 -The father of Orchestra music-His Church music-Masses-Oratorios- The Creation-The Seven Words-Characteristics Lecture Mozart- 1756-1791 Beethoven -1770 1827 -Mozart's place in music-Church Music-0י1168נת tration of Handel-Masses-The Requiem
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