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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1893-1894-451

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department for ladies 449 jflftugical Lectures 'I MR CARL ARMBRUSTER Tuesday 3-4 During Michaelmas Term Eight Lectures on Classical Song the songs of Schubert lis predecessors and contemporaries Mozart Beethoven joewe Schumann and Mendelssohn During Lent Term Eight Lectures on Modern Classical Song the songs of ί-ob Franz Fr Liszt Rubinstein Brahms Jensen Grieg ijerulf and Hans Sommer During Easter Term Mr Armbruster will resume his Wagner Class for Students vishing to become thoroughly acquainted with the great iaster Musical Dramas Mr Armbruster will play through the entire works He vill make analytical comments as he proceeds and thoroughly xplain the works in detail The works selected for study during this Term are Parsifal Tannhauser oth being works which will be performed at Bayreuth in he summer of 1894 Students will be expected to provide themselves with the ianoforte Scores English words arrangements having been iiade with the publishers Messrs Schott Co 159 Regent street who will supply Students of this Class with Pianoforte cores at reduced prices but the possession of these Scores not imperative For all the vocal illustrations to the Lectures Mr rmbruster will have the valuable assistance of MISS PAULINE CRAMER Fee each Term £1 lis 6d
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