Calendar: 1893-1894 Page 449
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D APARTMENT FOR LADIES 447 Places of interest in London where the various periods of irchitecture may be seen and which it is proposed to visit Norman -Tower of London Priory of Bartholomew Smithfield the Crypt under Mary le-Bow Early English -Temple Church Crypt John's Olerkenwell Saviour's Southwark Westminster Abbey Lambeth Palace Later Styles -All Hallows Barking Olave Hart Street Helen Bishopsgate Andrew Undershaft Margaret Westminster Renaissance -S Paul's Cathedral Stephen's Walbrook Bride's Fleet Street and one or two others Fee Ā£1 5s Students and their friends are invited to attend the first lecture free armong ountetpomt attti OTompostttcm BY VERNHAM Professor of Music at King's College London Assisted by MR HAMILTON ROBINSON Mus Baa Dunelm Junior Division Thursday 11 15-12 15 Michaelmas Term Introduction Explanatory of the distinction between Harmony and Counterpoint and general view of the subject Harmony up to Four Parts the Common Chord Discords Chords of the Dominant Seventh Inversions Part-writing and Elementary Counterpoint
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