Calendar: 1893-1894 Page 433
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DEPARTMENT FOR LADIES 431 Nil Parsifal -Der mysterios-religiose Charakter des Buhnen- Weihfestspiels -Der Gral in Sage und Dichtung Ruckblick Das ethische und nationale Element in "Wagners Dramen -Seine Theorie iiber die dramatische Dichtkunst und ihre 3eziehung zur Oper -Sein poetischer Stil -Die Alliteration in einen Versen -Die Fauenrcharaktere in Wagners Tondramen Messrs Sohott Co of 159 Regent Street have consented supply the ladies attending the above Lectures with copies Wagner's Texts at reduced prices Wagner's Gesammelte Schriften und Dichtungen have 3een published by Fritzsch at Leipzig Italian BY PERINI Professor of Italian Literature in King's College Dante Class Fridays 11-12 In this Class the Students speak Italian This Class is for the study of the "Divina Commedia In the course of the year "II Paradiso from Canto XVIII and "L' Inferno" will be read The Professor will receive translations into Italian from Perini's Extracts in English Prose" Hachette or letters Italian and return them corrected Ladies who are desirous to study further the Syntax and Idioms of the Italian language are advised to write the Last thirty exercises LVIIL-LXXXVIII in the new 'third edition of Perini's "Italian Conversation Grammar" Hachette The Professor will assist in correcting the exercises Professor Perini recommends "La Divina Commedia with notes by Fraticelli or Bianchi but any other edition may be used in the above class
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