Calendar: 1893-1894 Page 431
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Page content
DEPARTMENT FOR LADIES 429 VI HebbeVs Nibelungen -Gutzkow's Uriel Acosta Zopf und hwert-Das moderne Lustspiel Books recommended The Clarendon Press editions of German assies htti 'jj Lent Term Die neuere Deutsche Litteratur Die moderne Lyrik Heine als Lyriker-Sein Einflusz auf die europaische Dichtuug Gegenwart II Heine's Zeitgenossen und Nachfolger Wilhelm Miiller- orike-Lenau-Annette von Droste-Hiilshoif-Geibel-Freilig- th-Paul Heyse-L Frankl Das moderne Drama III Die realistische Tendenz im Zeitgenossischen Drama und 3ssen Hauptvertreter Der moderne Roman IV Der soziale Roman dessen Entwickelung und Charakter nd seine vorziiglichsten Vertreter Der historisch-politische Roman der Neuzeit und dessen ertreter Gustav Freytag-Georg Ebers und Felix Dahn ×™ Easter Term Uber Wagner als Dramatiker The experiment of treating Wagner's texts from purely terary point of view quite apart from their connection itli musical composition has met with so much approval on wo former occasions that it is proposed to devote to the ame subject another course of lectures The former method critically analysing the leister's dramatic texts will in eneral be retained but in number of details based upon ecent researches the criticism will be varied full but oncise account will be given of the sources upon which his Irainatic plots are based and the critical analysis will
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