Calendar: 1893-1894 Page 416
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414 department for ladies &oum of ILectutts on Krofe Uases in delation to ffiweft art an japtfjoloflp MISS JANE HARRISON During the Michaelmas Term Mondays at 10 30 Firsi Lecture Monday Oct 23rd The object of this short course is two-fold First to bring before students of Greek Art the master- pieces of Greek vase-painting specially those that η re signed by the artists themselves These signed vases belong to quite limited period they are comparatively few in number and hence easily studied knowledge of them is for the history of Greek painting and for the appreciation of certain qualities of Greek decorative art as essential as knowledge of the Parthenon marbles is for the study of sculpture Second to state such facts as to the discovery distribu- tion and interpretation of Greek vases as may enable students who do not know Greek to use the collections of the British Museum Germany Italy and Greece as help to the study of mythology knowledge of Greek vases is at once the simplest and the soundest basis of such study -f The course will deal with The connection of Greek vases with the dead-Their dis- covery in tombs and present distribution-The Etruscan fallacy-Scenes depicted on Attic white lekythoi-a class to
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