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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1893-1894-410

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408 DEPARTMENT FOR LADIES -The National Assembly-The capture of the Bastille- The Burning of the Chateaux-The abolition of Feudal dues -The Insurrection of October France divided into frag- ments with sham monarchv at its head-Mirabeau's Statesmanship-The need of Government imperfectly supplied by the Jacobin Clubs-The Civil Constitution of the Clergy-- The Feast of the Federations in July 1790-The flight to Varennes in June 1791-Entire absence of Government-End of the Constituent Assembly in September 1792-Exclusion from the New Assembly of members of the Constituent- Two parties in it the Constitutionalists and the Girondists- The Conference of Pilnitz-Attack on the Priests and Emi grants-The Declaration of War-Insurrection of June 20th -Invasion of France-Insurrection of August 10th- Suspension of the King and Convention summoned-The September Massacres-The Cannonade of Valmy September 20th-Meeting of the Convention September 21st-Struggle between the Girondists and the Mountain-The disasters in Belgium-The Revolutionary Tribunal-The Dantonist Com- mittee of Public Safety the beginning of Government- Fall of the Girondists June 2nd Assassination of Marat- Risings in La Vendee Lyons and Toulon-Execution of the Queen and the Girondists-October Terror the order of the day-Representatives in Mission-Toulon taken Decern- ber 19th-Hebertists guillotined in March-Dantonists in April-Conquest of Belgium-Robespierre and St Just- Further progress of the Terror-Fall of the Robespierrists- End of the Reign of Terror
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