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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1893-1894-408

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406 department for ladies IStgf Lectures on Kreat Icngltssf ΈαΜΜιη ant tljetr Influence on Engltsi Life an ijougijt BY THE REV PROF SHUTTLE WORTH Hector of St Nicholas Cole-Abbey The first Lecture will be free as 1893 Thursdays 11-12 commencing October 26ίΛ Lecture I- Anselm the Philosopher-A Norman Monas- tery-Anselm the Monk-England under the Normans- Ansel ill's Struggle with the King-Its results in our History -Anselm the Schoolman-His Influence upon Thought Lecture -Stephen Langton the Patriot-England under the Plantagenets-Pope and King-King and People- Langton the Popular Leader-Character and Work-The Church and the Nation Lecture III -John Colet the Reformer -The Oxford Reformers מ-Erasmus and More-Colet's training-His Lee- tures-Dean of St Paul's-The Preacher-The Scholar-St Paul's School Lecture IV -Richard Hooker the Theologian-The English Reformation-Challenge on either side-Hooker's Answer to the Challenge-The "Ecclesiastical Polity"- Theory of Church and State-How far obsolete-Hooker's place in our literature
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