Calendar: 1893-1894 Page 400
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398 department for ladies Painting Class -Still Life and Landscape in oil and water- colours Flowers and Fruit painting on china and other new decorative styles Life Class -Painting and Drawing from Models in Costume The model sits from 10-2 three days week Advanced students may by special permission of the Professor paint original pictures and pose their own models for this purpose in the Studio Lectures and Demonstrations are given occasionally free to all students During Michaelmas Term Six Lectures on Artistic Anatomy and Figure Drawing will be given Fee £1 Is Prizes are offered for annual competition as stated in the King's College Calendar יו מ Hours -Drawing and Painting Classes Tuesday 11-1 Thursday 10-12 Life Class Mondays Tuesdays Thursdays 10-2 Studios open from 10 till dusk daily except Saturdays Colours paper canvas and all materials can be obtained in the Studio Fees for Attendance One lesson week 250 Two lessons week 16 Sketch Club to present students Free to other students Life Class inclusive use of model and daily use of studio 550 Those Students taking only one or two Lessons per week and wishing for daily practice in Studio can do so by paying an extra fee of 10s 6d per term
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