Calendar: 1893-1894 Page 393
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department for ladies 391 Payments will be received and Cards of Admission issued the Vice-Principal in answer to application by letter inclosing fees or on personal application at 13 Kensington uare on the Thursday and Friday before the commence- lent of each Term and on every day during Term time xcept Saturday between 10 and o'clock Cheques are to made payable to Miss Schmitz and crossed 1'London County Bank יי Students are particularly requested not to attend any of Classes without having previously communicated with 1e Vice-Principal There is Reading and Waiting room for ladies who wish remain during the intervals between Lectures and simple junch can be obtained from the housekeeper Fees for Attendance he Fee is £1 Is Term for each course of Lectures except in the cases undermentioned £ 11 11 11 10 Extra fee for use of Studio 10 Music-Ten lessons-Singing £4 4s to £5 5s Piano £4 4s to £5 5s Violoncello Harp Mandoline
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