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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1893-1894-377

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PUBLIC HEALTH 375 -Bacteriological Laboratory This Laboratory is open for original research under the irection of the Professor of Comparative Pathology and Jacteriology assisted by Τ Hewlett Lond De- aonstrator The Laboratory is open the first week in October and loses for the long vacation at the end of July Hours of attendance daily from 10 to except on Satur- lay when the Laboratory closes at Fees -For One Month for original research guineas Tor longer period by arrangement For One Month for private study with supervision guineas For longer period by arrangement Practical course for Month with attendance on Lectures guineas For Year 30 guineas -Evening Classes Professor-Edgar Crookshank Demonstrator-Richard Hewlett Bacteriology Evening Course of Weeks This course is held three times year January to March May to July October to December The Class is held on Monday evenings from to The lext course will begin on Monday October 16 The course instruction comprises Lectures and Practical Work The Lectures are illustrated by lantern slides diagrams morbid specimens and microscopical preparations In the Practical Work the Students examine stain and nount examples of the various micro-organisms from cultures nd in tissue sections Fees including use of microscope reagents &c payable in advance in the College Office £2 2s for each separate Term If the Evening Cla ss in the Bacteriology of Fermenta- tion see page 376 be taken in addition the Fees for the two courses will be £3 135 6d
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