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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1893-1894-374

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372 public health Fee 20 guineas inclusive of the use of apparatus and all ן ן ו ד דו ege P11VE Tues necessary reagents payable in advance in the Coll Office -Laboratories of State Medicine Director-Professor William Smith Sc Demonstrator-G Huntly Assoc Sc Assist Demonstrator-D Harvey Attfield Camb If par iPhj Practical Instruction will be given in the Methods of Lin nalysis of Air Water Foods &c Detection of Poisons Officer of Health of large urban district -Special Classes in Public Health mine Fees -One Month £ 4s Three Months £10 105 pre The Laboratories are also available for original investiga- and tions and practical work in Public Health and Toxicology The Laboratories are open daily from 10 to and on Saturdays to nveo er -Practical Sanitary Work The regulations for obtaining the Diploma in Public Health of the various Universities and other Medical Licensing Mor Bodies require that all candidates registered under the Medical Fee Act subsequent to the 1st of January 1890 shall produce evidence that they have for period of six months practically studied the duties of outdoor sanitary work under Medical Arrangements have been made by which this regulation can be complied with under the direction of Professor William Smith Sc Medical Officer of Health for Woolwich from whom further information can be obtained natic Special Classes will be held as under under the direction of Professor William Smith for those Medical Practitioners ןןן who were registered or entitled to be registered on or before Ls the 1st of January 1890 and to whom therefore the recent regulations of the General Medical Council do not apply 11 Β mens
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