Calendar: 1893-1894 Page 373
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Page content
PUBLIC HEALTH 371 runkland Wanklyn Tidy &c Effects of pollution upon tie analytical results Analysis of sewage and sewage ffluents Air measurements of pressure temperature humidity etection of ozone micro-organisms organic matter noxious umes Estimation of carbonic acid carbonic oxide &c Foods Beverages and Condiments the mode of nalysis of milk tea coffee cocoa alcoholic liquids butter aargarine flour starches bread sugar pepper mustard inegar Soils Disinfectants Building Materials chemical and hysical examination Gas Analysis the methods of gas analysis III Microscopy and Micro-Spectroscopy The recognition of the constituents of food such as Marches and muscular fibre The recognition of the chief fibres of clothing such as vool cotton and silk The recognition of constituents of ordinary dust as leposits from water The recognition of blood stains IV Parasites and other Organisms Infesting Food-stuff or the Human Body Bacteriology including the Cultivation and Recognition Micro-Organisms The course will last six months four months of which will oe spent in the Laboratories of Public Health and two months in the Bacteriological Laboratory The six months' course of Practical Instruction given in Public Health Laboratory work is specially recognized by the University of Edinburgh as qualifying for the Sc degree in the Department of Public Health
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