Calendar: 1893-1894 Page 355
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FACULTY OF MEDICINE 301 Operations -The area of the theatre shall be reserved for he Medical Officers including those resident the In- Patient Dressers and such visitors as are specially introduced by the perating Surgeon The first row of the theatre shall be re- served for the remaining Dressers and the Clinical Clerks Midwifery -Pupils who have previously attended Course Lectures are provided with large number of cases of Mid- aiferif The patients are attended at their own houses in the neighbourhood of the Hospital under the superintendence of the Physician-Accoucheur and Assistant-Physician Ac- coucheur Every Student desiring to attend cases shall live within reasonaole distance of the Hospital so that his services may be readily available In undertaking to attend Midwifery patients he is expected and is in duty7 bound to pay the same care to his Hospital Patients as if he were in private practice He is expected not to absent himself for amusement or other purposes without making due provision for being readily found if required No Student will have his schedule signed for attendance on Midwifery who has not attended at least ten Midwifery cases in connection with the maternity department of the Hospital No Student must attend Midwifery cases during the time he is dissecting or making post-mortem examinations The Physician-Accoucheur's Assistant or Assistant House Accoucheur will accompany each Student to his first case and give him the necessary instruction and Students must in all cases of doubt and difficulty ask the Physician-Accoucheur's Assistant or Assistant House Accoucheur to see the patient with them No one holding the office of Phvsician-Accoucheur's Assis- tant or Assistant House Accoucheur is on any occasion to make post-mortem examination All patients must be seen by the Physician-Accoucheur's Assistant or Assistant House-Accoucheur as soon as possible after Delivery and always within 24 hours
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