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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1893-1894-349

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FACULTY OF MEDICINE 345 ccupy separate desk and see such patients as are allotted ο him bv the Physician in attendance Candidates must have served the office of Clinical Clerk the Out-Patients but no Student is eligible to enter on he duties of this office at period later than five years and lalf from the time of his Matriculation or year of standing see page 299 in the Medical Faculty or six years and half if he have passed the Primary the Inter nediate Examination of London or the corresponding Examination of any other British University Candidates may be admitted to the examination before obtaining their diplomas but no one will be allowed to enter 1pon his duties until he shall be qualified by some diploma practise Such Assistant House Physicians as shall have performed heir duties to the satisfaction of the Committee of Manage- nent and the Council during six months shall if otherwise eligible be considered as having cateris paribus claim to be elected to the office of House Physician Physician-Accoucheur's Assistant -He shall be qualified by some Diploma to practise at the date at which his duties ommence and shall have served the office of In-patient Children and Physician-Accoucheur or Out-patient Clerk to the Assistant-Physician for Diseases of Women and Children Candidates will be examined in Midwifery and in the Diseases of Women and Children No Student shall be eligible to enter 011 the duties of this office at period later than six years from the date of his Matriculation or year of standing see page 299 in the Medical Faculty or seven years if he have passed the Primary the Intermediate Examination of London or the corresponding Examination of any other British University The duties of Phvsician-Accoucheur's Assistant and of the Assistant House Accoucheur acting under him areas follows He shall have the immediate superintendence of all the Midwifery cases under the direction of the Physician-Ac-
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